The Curworthy Cheese Range
Our newest cheese is called Goatworthy. As Dave and Marilyn from Norsworthy goats cheese have retired Richard has managed to source some goats milk from South Molton and is now making our own cheese so that there is a goats cheese available at the Farmers Markets. We will have it with us at most markets so do come along and have a taste called Goatworthy.Richard is also now making a soft goats cheese using the same recipe as our Devon maid. Its called GOATMAID.
Dartmoor Chillie is gaining in popularity which uses our regular Curworthy recipe but includes red chillies Fatalie grown by the Dartmoor Chillie Farm near Ashburton.
Our range includes the traditional Curworthy cheese which is mild and creamy in the small truckles but which is more mature in the larger cutting cheeses developing a more nutty flavour.
Devon Oke which has a mature taste and creamy texture - and is ripened for 6-7 months constantly being turned in special ripening rooms.
Chipple includes spring onion, Devon Smoake is our Devon Oke smoked for 3 hours over oak chippings, Vintage Oke a much drier texture(matured for 14 months) and Meldon with whole grain mustard and real ale.
Haytor is gaining in popularity based on an emmental style with a sweet finish - matured for 4 months.